Friday, January 29, 2010

brian and chi

october 2009 was much rainier than usual in these parts.  october 8, however, was stunningly beautiful, just in time for brian and chi's wedding and brookside gardens in wheaton, maryland. 
brian and chi met while brian was teaching english in japan, so naturally it made sense that they incorporated some japanese culture into their ceremony - she wore a beautiful, traditional kimono (that took 2 hours to get into!), and they performed a sake blessing with their families.  instead of traditional vows, brian and chi recited the lyrics from one of their favorite songs, which they shared with their friends and family in a simple, yet very personal, ceremony inside a japanese tea house.
following the ceremony, guests were treated to delicious hors d'oeuvres on the luscious lawn outside brookside's visitor center.  canapes catering hit a high note with everyone yet again - they never fail to impress!  guests then gathered for dinner and dancing inside the visitor center, which was adorned with white chinese lanterns and chocolate-y linens, highlighted with green and orange accents.

after dancing the night away, guests were treated to chocolate covered almonds and espresso beans that matched the couple's theme.
dj: bruce pike, dynomite dj's
photography: susan centineo, studio c photography
cake: cinful cuisine

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